aqi bee 🐝
3 min readOct 21, 2021


as i went home with my friends today, a part of me realised that the day where all of us would walk on separate paths… is coming very soon.

our paths may never intertwine again nor will we ever co-exist in the same vicinity in the near future.

there will no longer be any more tear jerking laughters chiming through the office space, no more inside jokes that make absolutely no sense and no more shadows of my favourite people.

as someone that basks in solitude, i dislike making new friends or to form close bonds with people because i do not have the ability to maintain relationships.

however with these people, i would want to spend a lifetime with them.

my friends are literal gems and nothing encompasses the meaning of ‘warmth’ better than these 3 ladies. they watched me crumble and slip into hell’s deepest pit yet, they were not afraid to jump right in to save me.

i remember crying daily… and had random outbursts of a crying spell which lasted for almost a month; i was at my lowest and despised the idea of being alive. yet again, these people were the ones whom offered a piece of what they had to make sure that i was at least surviving. it was at that very moment i knew that i was and am blessed.

i am trying my best to cherish whatever time i have with them because slowly, we are inching towards a farewell. bidding them an adieu should not be bizarre thought, yet my heart still breaks a little as i think of it.

nevertheless, no matter where life takes them, i believe that my friends will thrive in all possible ways.

to zarko,

you have been such a lovely person to cross paths with. your sweet nature and patient heart will always be one of the many traits that the people around you admire. it amazes me each time i witness how strong yet soft you are when an obstacle comes your way.

i will never be able to understand where that strength comes from but at the same time, i am so proud of you for having such a tender and loving heart. you have been such a motherly figure to us; your attentiveness and sensitivity towards the people around you is a gift but at the same time, remember to pay attention to yourself too.

thank you for being you who you are zarko, for being an amazing person and for always being there to gently protect your loved ones.

to nabilah,

i enjoy being around you. you make me feel at ease and everything seems lighter with your presence. just like zarko, you have such a soft heart that is filled with so much love and compassion. you have got so much love in you that overflows into the people around you. you have been my happy pill, someone that i seek comfort from unknowingly (or perhaps, knowingly but i am just a little reluctant to acknowledge it hehe).

i love your sense of humour and how witty you can get. i am always in awe at how tolerant you are because your tolerance has never been masked with vengeance or emotions synonymous to it. your heart is so pure and for that, i want to keep you protected and away from this world’s evildoers.

thank you for always showering me with so much love and letting me be myself. please remember to acknowledge how cherished you are by the people around you.

to dayna,

it feels like i have known you for a lifetime. you know most of my deepest and darkest fears, if not, everything. alongside zarko and nabilah, i trust you with my life. i have never felt at home with a person before yet you are the home to my soul. you truly live up to your name, dayna.

you are the soft ray of sunshine at 7am in the morning and the beautiful sheens on a crystal. you are comfort, and you make me so comfortable. you have an affinity in making people feel welcomed and accepted because of how openminded you are.

your worldview is not limited to just what you know because your hunger for knowledge is praiseworthy. thank you dayna for always feeding me with constant knowledge, for being my soul mate. remember that you are loved by the universe and that you deserve all the happiness in this world.

till death do us apart, friends.

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