good? evil? a saint, or a sinner?
i am rather perplexed as i write today’s piece. i was pondering for quite some time on how do we differentiate and define what is good or bad.
i guess nature cannot be defined as good or evil since it exists to keep us grounded to this earth and reality. in retrospect, it can be used either way. from this, the properties of nature are divided into two sides.
just like the river; when it streams down peacefully, it is a source of living. however, the same river could also overflow, causing the entire vicinity to flood, which is detrimental to its environment. the river has two faces which can nurture as well as kill. therefore, in some ways, good and evil are not moral opposites. they are perhaps a river with two different moods.
if it was so easy to distinguish and understand morals, then why does law and order often go against what is deemed to be just? why are there still so many people that suffer and are wronged in the name of law? justice will prevail, they said, but only for certain people and to a certain extent.
you could commit an inappropriate act with a clean intention, and as much as it is a juxtaposition, does it justify your actions? in this world, we have so many laws to abide by (i.e. law of nature, religion, worldly) so how can one possibly adhere to them all, without cherry picking one?
one day, when i am older, i hope to understand moralities better to hone my moral compass. till then, i will just leave this piece here for future references.